Women of Grace
12:00 PM12:00

Women of Grace

  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Award-winning author to speak at Women of Grace meeting on Feb. 20

Congratulations to best-selling novelist and St. Mark's member Cassandra King Conroy who will receive the Harper Lee Award on Feb. 28. The annual award recognizes a writer who was born in Alabama or has spent their formative years there. On Feb. 20 at noon, she will speak at the Women of Grace meeting about her spiritual journey that she fictionalized in her second novel The Sunday Wife.  Bring your bag lunch--drinks and dessert will be provided. We meet in the church. All are invited--you won't want to miss it!

Questions? Contact  Sally Domby at 919-791-9105 or swldomby@yahoo.com.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade
9:15 AM09:15

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade

  • Adventure Street Beaufort, SC, 29902 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mark's group had a wonderful time last year with a warm welcome all around. This year's parade is Mon., Jan. 20, at 10 a.m. with the line forming on Adventure St. We'll have a car there by 8:30 with the banner to carry. Walkers need to arrive by 9:15. To join the march, please contact Chris Nietert by email (jcnietert22@gmail.com) and leave a contact number so we can let you know exactly where we are on Adventure St. on the day of the parade.

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Women of Grace
10:30 AM10:30

Women of Grace

  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Women of Grace, St. Mark's women's group, will meet Thurs., Jan. 16, in the church at 10:30 and will finish with lunch at 12:30. The beginning of the year is the perfect opportunity for reflection on our lives and intentions. The Book of Ruth will be our guide. We will have some time to be still, breathe, and allow the small, quiet voice of God to be heard. Mark your calendars and join your sisters in Christ for a meaningful time together. Deacon Andrea Peacock will be the speaker.

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The Gospel of Luke
10:00 AM10:00

The Gospel of Luke

As we begin a new Church year, our Gospel focus will turn to Luke. Considered by many biblical scholars to be the most detailed and elaborate of the four Gospels, Luke presents the life and culture of Jesus in a way that brings a depth and richness to the people and surroundings. Led by Fr. Roy, the series will conclude at 10 a.m. Monday Dec. 16 in St. Mark's Center. Come discover how the Gospel of Luke was so relevant when Luke first shared it and how it still is relevant for us today. You are welcome to attend even if you missed the previous sessions.

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Advent Wreath Making Workshop
11:00 AM11:00

Advent Wreath Making Workshop

Want to make an Advent wreath?

This year’s workshop will be Sat., Nov. 30, at 11 a.m. on the Green. The $15/wreath fee offsets the cost of wreath forms and candle holders and is payable in cash or check made out to St. Mark’s with “Advent Wreath” in the subject line. Want to donate a wreath? You may sponsor a wreath that will be given to a shut-in, someone who is ill, or someone on our prayer list. Workshop participants will make the wreath and will deliver it locally or give it to the sponsor to deliver. This is a “loaves and fishes” kind of workshop--participants are asked to bring greens of any kind--lots of them!--to use and to share. Contact Nicole Passeggio at npp203@nyu.edu to RSVP or ask questions.

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Tax-wise Giving to St. Mark's Endowment
10:15 AM10:15

Tax-wise Giving to St. Mark's Endowment

Learn how Uncle Sam can help you contribute--through tax deductions and related opportunities-- to the long-term financial strength of the church you love. This brief information session, sponsored by the St. Mark’s Endowment Committee, will touch on modest as well as major giving, both lifetime and through your estate, and will be led by Scott Graber and Larry White, retired estate planning attorneys. Sun., Nov. 17, 10:15-10:45 a.m. (between services), in the conference room in St. Mark’s Center.

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Women of Grace
12:00 PM12:00

Women of Grace

  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Women of Grace, St. Mark's women's group, will host Sister Canice from St. Francis Center on Thurs., Nov. 14, at noon in the church. She will join Barbara Anderson to talk about outreach. Please bring a few cans of food to donate and your lunch. All St. Mark’s women are invited to attend.

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Lowcountry Pride Festival
11:00 AM11:00

Lowcountry Pride Festival

The annual Pride Festival is set for Sat., Nov. 9, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the park behind PR Elementary. St. Mark's will have a booth, and we need volunteers for any amount of time. Contact Fr. Roy at stmarkscrector@gmail.com. This is our third year participating and it's always a great time. Join us in this outreach to the community.

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Prayer Shawl Ministry
10:00 AM10:00

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Peggy Reynolds is restarting a prayer shawl ministry at St. Mark's. Completed projects will be given to residents of nursing homes and members of the congregation who are in need of comfort. The next meeting will be Tues., Nov. 5, at 10 a.m. in St. Mark's Center. Please bring yarn and knitting or crochet needles and join Peggy and others if you're interested in participating. Contact Peggy at 704-293-6040 if you have any questions.

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Adult Ed - The False White Gospel
10:30 AM10:30

Adult Ed - The False White Gospel

Fr. Roy and the Rev. Patricia Turk conclude their roundtable discussion on Jim Wallis’ latest book The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy on Oct. 23. Wallis writes about his newest book: “Watching the news and discerning the times is a daily discipline that has become more and more alarming in the run up to the election of 2024. I felt called to respond to this urgent moment with a new book now available for preorder. This is likely the most timely book I have ever written.” Come and see; come and explore why he says this is his most timely and important book. If you want to shop locally, Beaufort Book Store is offering a 15 percent discount on this title.

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Women of Grace Field Trip
9:30 AM09:30

Women of Grace Field Trip

All St. Mark’s women are invited to join the pilgrim caravan to the Church of Heavenly Rest on Thurs., Oct. 17 (9:30-2:30) to see one of the hidden gems of the Southern Deanery. An Episcopal Church built in 1891 as a family memorial deep in the piney woods of Hampton County, Sally Mayse says, "Heavenly Rest has stunning stained glass windows and extraordinary architecture. It is truly worth seeing! A lip-smacking Lowcountry lunch will be served, the sanctuary is air conditioned and there is indoor plumbing!" Casual dress. Car pools are being arranged. RSVP by Sept. 15 to Sally Domby swldomby@yahoo.com or 919-791-9105

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Adult Ed - The False White Gospel
10:30 AM10:30

Adult Ed - The False White Gospel

Fr. Roy and the Rev. Patricia Turk continue with part 3 of their roundtable discussion on Jim Wallis’ latest book The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy on Oct. 16 and 23. Wallis writes about his newest book: “Watching the news and discerning the times is a daily discipline that has become more and more alarming in the run up to the election of 2024. I felt called to respond to this urgent moment with a new book now available for preorder. This is likely the most timely book I have ever written.” Come and see; come and explore why he says this is his most timely and important book. If you want to shop locally, Beaufort Book Store is offering a 15 percent discount on this title.

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Confirmation Class
7:00 PM19:00

Confirmation Class

Bishop Ruth Woodliff-Stanley will visit St. Mark's on Oct. 13 at the 11 a.m. service. Individuals interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church are invited to attend confirmation classes, which are scheduled for Thursdays at 7 p.m. on Sept. 26, Oct. 3 and Oct. 10. Contact the church office to register. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Roy at stmarkscrector@gmail.com.

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Adult Ed - The False White Gospel
10:30 AM10:30

Adult Ed - The False White Gospel

Fr. Roy and the Rev. Patricia Turk continue their roundtable discussion on Jim Wallis’ latest book The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy on Oct. 9, 16 and 23. Wallis writes about his newest book: “Watching the news and discerning the times is a daily discipline that has become more and more alarming in the run up to the election of 2024. I felt called to respond to this urgent moment with a new book now available for preorder. This is likely the most timely book I have ever written.” Come and see; come and explore why he says this is his most timely and important book. If you want to shop locally, Beaufort Book Store is offering a 15 percent discount on this title.

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